Monday, March 31, 2014

What a Weird Week.

Ola Familia!!! 

Sounds like things back at home are busy as usual. But they sound fun! Glad things are going well!

This week was just strange. Haha. 
First off, Our last p day we went to Guara 2 and had a Karaoke family night with some members and investigators...which was soooo fun. Haha, and hilarious. They love to sing American songs and their accents are just so cute. I loved it! Hahaha. 
Anyways Wednesday two sisters from Palmas arrived at our house because one of them was finished with the mission. So we housed them because Palmas is 12 hours away. So we spent the day helping her prepare to leave and blah blah. But it just made me a little homesick, but not enough to come home. Sorry guys!
Anyways, Sister Dandaluz was from Paraguay...or Uraguay...Im not really sure. Haha, sounds the same in Portuguese. But she left and so we had two other sisters staying with us until transfers (today). It was fun, we did some splits and helped the other sisters work in our area. Which helped us. I was with Sister Cruz...and she was incredible!!! She had such a good spirit with our investigators and I learned a lot. Also she is an english teacher in Sao Paulo so we had a fun time talking in english together. But with all this going on, it just didn't feel like a normal week of work. Haha...which is funny, cause we did, really hard. But it was way fun to have 2 more sisters in our area. 
Elder Redd headed home, and so we received a new Zone leader. I forgot his name. Haha... but he sounds cool. We still have Elder Chavez as our Zone leader. We got new sisters in the other areas, and new elders in our district. It was a change for our Zone. Im excited to see what we can do together! 

Today was transfers, and we went to help the other sisters that were staying with us. No, I didn't get transferred, and nor did my companion. But...We got 2 more sisters in our area!!! Wahooo! Sister Melo, and then she is going to be training the new sister who arrives tomorrow! Yahoooo! I loved having other sisters staying in our house, and now we permanently have sisters with us! Haha. Anyways, it was fun to see how transfers work, and get to talk to the President and his wife. And meet more missionaries... 

This week was a tough one with our investigators. We have 10 really solid investigators that show progress each and every time we visit. But this week...not one of them came to church.... It was a little sad because some of them haven't ever come to church, and so this week...the visits are going to be tougher, for us and for them. 
This week we were also working a lot with the less actives. We have one, his name is David, and he wants to come back to church and so everyday we stop by his house and read a chapter with the book of mormon and pray with him. His grandma, mom, brother...they are all members, and really strong members. I love his family. And David has such a big desire to return to the church. It has been incredible working with him. 

So this week was hilarious. At the end of the week we ran out of money...usually we should have received the money Saturday...but for some reason we didn't get it until today. But my companion and I were desperate for some food...and we had nothing. Literally had 2 reais (1 dollar) of change in my wallet. And my card from home had stopped working. So we were of course starving when all of a sudden...I remembered my loving sister sent me a package...and it had Nutella and crackers still! So I rushed to it! And my comp and I split the nutella and crackers for breakfast. IT was HILARIOUS. And then that night...she went to her bank and her mother had seriously, by miracles, put money in her account. SO we made it through. But of a missionary, right? Lunch on Saturday was fantastic, best I ever had...I think...I was pretty much inhaling (spelling???). 

I don't know...this week was weird. Haha, definitely not a normal week for a missionary. Any missionary here in Brasilia. 

Okay here is a good story for you. My companion, before I came had been teaching this couple (not married yet), the same couple that had us go to church with them. This week, we stopped by with the other sisters just to say hi and see how they were doing. We obviously got talking about the gospel. The thing that this couple is struggling with is believing in the Book of Mormon. And we have been trying to just slowly help them come to a testimony. But this week, they said they just couldn't believe. And it was hard to hear the words. This couple is incredible. So friendly, so loving, so funny. And as they said that I just thought...oh no, they aren't going to have eternal life together, I just saw the blessings of God stripping from their lives. And my companion was crying, I was crying, THEY were crying. And Sister Cruz began to talk, began to ask questions about their prayer asking if it was a true word of God. They were talking, the spirit was there, everyone in tears.... When they started telling us how they prayed once, felt nothing and stopped praying. So we began talking about praying with real intent, and how sometimes that means praying again and again until you feel SOMETHING. Anyways, longest ever story short, they agreed to pray again, and we are going to visit them I think tomorrow again to see whats happening. Everyone pray...these people are incredible!

Anyways, sounds like a sad week...but it wasn't. It was a learning experience. I gained a testimony about prayer, and how truly blessed we are to know this Gospel. We truly are blessed to already know our purpose in life, to already know what God wants of us, and that we are able to do it. And it is up to us now to share that blessing, this testimony with others!

Thats pretty much it this week. Sorry nothing toooo awesome. 

Love you all!!

Sister Craig!

My companion is really pretty sometimes.... 

These trees literally SHED these pink flower string things. Looks like someone silly stringed the lawn. But its pretty... 

Monday, March 24, 2014


Conferences, Training, Conferences, Training.... March 10

Family!!! Hi!!!!!!
I feel like I just wrote you all...oh wait...I did. Lets see....I will see if I can scrape something new up.
This week was different. Not hard....Not easy....just different. With Carnaval, lots of zone trainings, district meetings, Zone Conferences, Stake Conferences, we had little time to teach and contact. But we did manage to mark another baptism!
This girls name is Eliase. She is 17 years old, and pregnant. Living with her boyfriend and his family. She is incredibly sweet, and just always lights up as soon as she sees us. She is so receptive of everything we say, but sincerely receptive. She reads and prays with real intent, and marks her scriptures and asks questions. She is just incredible, and I love teaching with her! Even if she sometimes laughs at my Portuguese....haha I mean Im not fluent..
This week we had a zone conference at the presidents house.... haha lots of portuguese. I tried my best to follow and understand all of it...but I think I missed some parts! The president talked a lot about Nephi...and so did the assistants. We all went around and shared attributes and scriptures of Nephi that we liked! It was really cool to hear the others thoughts and scriptures. Definitely one of those moments that I sat there and was like, ´´I got a lot to work on´´. I want to be the best missionary I can be. And I know that through honest study, honest prayer, and hard work...the Lord will bless me. The Lords hand is in my life daily. I know that. Because I feel it.
In the CTM we had this devo and they talked about one of the gifts we receive when set apart as a missionary is the gift to walk with the One who knows most about Missionary work, about the people. I am walking with the Lord. He is using me as an instrument. I love this work, honest to everything. I love the people. I love my area. The most common question asked to me is ´´do you like brazil and what about it do you like??´´ My answer is always the people! And the person always laughs and is like ya...right...But Im serious! I love them!!

Stake Conference was good! They talked about missionary work! And the president and his wife talked, and they talked about us! was awesome! The first half we didn't see because it was being transmitted in, and the internet stopped working...brazil for ya. 
The funniest part was the choir! Here I am....expecting this grand shindig because I am Kaye Craigs daughter... the choir was good...just sang out of the Hymn Book. But there was some girl sitting by the mic that was sending sound to us and she was singin her heart out. And it was....not the same song...I think. Hahaha. It was hilarious! Everyone was just sitting there snickering to themselves. Haha. Good first stake conference I would say.
I know I promised recipes this week, and I failed you at that. I have them...but I left my notebook with them at our apartment. week!!!
Sorry this letter doesn't have much! But its only been like 4 days...haha. Next week will be better! Love you all. Thanks for the letters...always just dying laughing. Miss you always...Love you forever!!

Sister Craig!!!
Go read your scriptures!

Nossa! (Wow!)

Did anyone else read Dads letter? I think he is bored....haha...or lonely. Poor Guy. Hahaha, love you pops! Sorry the house is finally just too quiet to sleep. Just turn on the Food Network Channel...I hear that works!

Okay so this week was all sorts of weird. First and most important-- MOM AND KATIE!!! I got Katie's package! haha, by some miracle I got itTuesday at our District Meeting in Aza Sul. I seriously have no idea why but I did. I think our Elders had to go to the office, so they picked it up...but. THANK YOU!!!!!! I sent you a special email. 

This week I spent most of my time at the hospital.... you all can imagine my excitement for this. But, before I arrived here my companion was having stomach issues and when she went to the hospital before they gave her a list of 13 exams she had to get done. Icky. Sounds awful right? It was...for me. I had to obviously go WITH her...and so I just sat in the hospital waiting room...looking at my shoes. No kidding I felt like Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls when Lorelais Dad had a heart attack (Yes, I just referenced Gilmore Girls...I am the same old me :)) Anyways it was obviously terrible, and Im not even being dramatic. Blood was everywhere. Sick people. Icky icky. But we finished that...and have to return later for the results. Whoop.

Wednesday--- man, oh man. So we are teaching these 2 people who are engaged. Actually my comp was teaching before I arrived, but something happened and now we are back. But they really wanted us to go to their church. Im not going to name their religion...their church for safety sakes. But my companion ended up agreeing that if we went to theirs, they would come to ours. And so...wednesday night...we went. I was flippin out. I mean yes, my mom and I always jokes that we were baptist, or catholic when we visited family in other states at church, but nossa.... That was probably the weirdest experience I have ever had. And one I wont be returning too. At some points in time I had to sincerely hold in a small giggle. It was strange...but hey...if it gets them to our church...haha, I guess. 

Friday I did my first splits! I went with Sister Goncalves to Aza Norte, same area as all the important people (president, assistants, sister trainers..) and it was a really cool experience! The sister trainers have a really super nice apartment, and its cockroach free! And so I got to meet some of their investigators and such.... It was awesome. Their area is absolutely beautiful. I loved it!

Sunday--ANTONIO CAME TO CHURCH!!! MILAGRES! Miracles! So Antonio, Celia, Erasmo...they are incredible people, right? We have had amazing experiences while teaching them. And they (okay, minus Erasmo...) know this gospel is true. But we have had the hardest time getting them to church. So saturday we stopped by, and we talked with Erasmo. And he said he would come. And he promised. First-- let me describe Erasmo to you. Haha, he is hilarious. He is like a little kid. Just all sorts of fun, funny--and difficult. But we are working with him. And the reason they don't come to church is because he always wants to travel somewhere Saturday night and stay wherever they are until Sunday night. But this week, we caught him! And he agreed!
So we were super excited for Sunday...and we got there and church started and they weren't there...and we called...nothing. So we seriously became so sad. Like ouch... And right after sacrament...I see Antonio (father to erasmo) standing there. And I became so so excited! He explained that a bunch of family literally came to the house at 830 as they were leaving. So they had to stay, but Antonio really wanted to come. So he did. And he loved it. And the members were incredible with him!!! He made friends...and when Church was over, Erasmo picked him up. And Antonio was introducing everybody to Erasmo and such. It was awesome. Last night we visited them with some members that are super fun, and same age as Erasmo and Celia. It was a good lesson. I seriously love this family. They are going to be incredible members, strong and firm members. 

This week I studied Alma 26. Um.... i actually study this probably once a week. Because I love it. And I cry like a baby every time. And I hope that you all read and study this chapter. I love the way God is described, the way he is praised. I admire the joy, the happiness that is talked about because of the Missionary work that has happened. I just absolutely love this chapter.

Sorry this letter isn't all that tuuhh-duhh. Or anything, but this week was one cramped for always, but more than usual. I love you all and am so happy I have to guys in my life! Your testimonies have been an example to me since I was little. And Im so grateful to you guys for that. Love you muito! 

Ate Mais
Sister Craig!! 

Fotos - March 24

Trying not to Scream - March 17

***Insert from Kaye regarding this email*** I spent some time this morning talking with Annie over email.  I'm sure you will get her energy and love in her letter but one thing she did say that I wanted to pass on.....  "I feel like I'm living the dream.  I never want to leave this area or change companions.  I love these people.  They are teaching me so much and that is why I got the visa.  I could never have learned all this in the states"  Enjoy!

Man you guys really know how to make a girl homesick. Congrats all around to everybody! Exciting things are happening, and I am so so excited for all of y'all. 
But I got awesome stories, so lets get to it. Lots to share, little time. 

1) Funniest story of the week. Brobbey, our english investigator, from Ghana. We were studying right before his lesson, we teach in the morning with him cause thats what works well. And my companion remembered that they have been trying to find a Liahona we have in our apartment about Pioneers of Ghana. Immediately we both just got to our knees and began searching and searching. It took us a while, and we were 15 minutes late, but we found it. So we ran to our appt with brobbey. When we arrived, there were 2 people standing there. Strange, but we continued to walk up. When we walked up, I realized we were standing next to Jehovah Witness. Uhhhh.....very awkward conversation with them. They were Americans. We asked them if Brobbey was here, and they said they were waiting for an ataii (dont know how to spell this african name... ) and my comp and i look at each other like...who? No one here lives by that name. But whatever. Brobbey eventually comes out and my comp and I get all excited like Hi Brobbey!! And the Jehovahs are like...thats not Brobbey. So Brobbey starts explaining how Brobbey is a family name, used for family. Haha. Awkward. And then he turns to me and said, why are you late...i thought you weren't coming. And acted as if he wasn't going to let us in. So I begin to explain we have a special african present for him and it took us a while to find it. Immediately he opened the gate and let us in. But turned after and stopped the others. That was a quick 5 minute conversation with them until they turned around and were walking away. It was awkward...but funny. Even Brobbey was laughing... haha.

2) Julianna! That woman is incredible when it comes to obedience. Seriously incredible. We were going to visit her and my companion and I were just stuck on what to teach her. The entire walk we were just not settled on anything. So we said a prayer, and went in with no lesson, but a lot of faith. When we sat down we asked her if she was still reading and she said yes. I have questions! And she pulls out her Book of Mormon and marked was 3 Nephi 13; 30-34...I think thats it. And immediately we were like...Tithing. Teach about tithing. She just broke into tears. She had money to either pay for your tiny 4x4 house, or to feed to her 2 kids. And so we talked to her about tithing. And she said she would do it. So this sunday, she came up to us, and was like How do I pay tithing. Incredible. INCREDIBLE!!! Seriously that woman teaches me something every time I talk to her. And her oldest daughter, came to church! She is only 5 but never wanted to, but this sunday she did. And Juliana was so happy to have both girls with her! It was unbelievable.

3) Okay, now for the harder story. Harder in the sense that I know I will be crying while typing this. I told you guys about a family we were teaching. Celia, Erasmo, Antonio, Chagas, Fernanda... everybody. Well I love them. Seriously they are some of the greatest people I have ever met. This wednesday we went over and visit them. It was only Celia, and she said that Antonio (father in law) was sick in his room.So we just shared a quick message and left. Saturday we were planning on teaching them at night with our Ward Mission Leader (Irmao Iraldo, amazing person) so we went over and again it was only Celia and Antonio, and he was still really sick. So we asked what was wrong, and she said that he was going to tell us. And we were excited to finally see Antonio cause he is awesome! So he walks out, and his face was...destroyed. His eye was totally red, his face was all bruised super super bad. I wanted to cry at the sight of him. He sits down and tells us how he was robbed. By three men. And went to the hospital. The night after that was even harder for him. He had this dream that he was just in complete and total darkness. And was totally bound, and weak. I think he said the word Paralyzed. And so he just started praying to God with all his might, and when we finished the prayer, he opened his eyes and saw to angels. And as he said that he looked over at me and my comp and was my 2 girls. And here you are again. We all were just bawling. Celia, Ward Mission Leader, Me, Comp...Antonio. IT was amazing. The ward mission leader shared with him the First Vision. And read JSH 1:14-16...I think those are the verses. How Jospeh Smith, as he started to pray in the grove found that his tongue was bound, and he put all his strength into praying to our Heavenly Father. We all went on the explain to Antonio that the Lord is saving him for something incredible. The Lord is walking with him at all times because he is trying to better his life. He talked about how he quite cold turkey drinking and smoking this week (he apparently was heavy into that stuff...) and he hasn't picked one up since. Instead he prays. We haven't even taught them the Word of Wisdom....and he already knows. This family is incredible. Irmao Iraldo gave him a Priesthood blessing, in which after Antonio just sat in silence crying for 5 minutes solid. Okay wait no...all of us sat in silence, bawling, for 5 minutes. Until my companion turned to me and said lets start singing I am a Child of God. In which, we did. The spirit was there. Testifying to all 5 of us that God Lives and loves each and every single person. Regardless of our life, our choices, our circumstances, God loves us. And he WANTS to help us. All we need to do is ask. We are his children. The day we visited, that wednesday...was the same day that Antonio was assaulted. And we only gave a short reminder, basically bearing our testimonies of the power of prayer and reading our scriptures. We ran home, because we left at 915, and live 15 minutes away, but we went home in silence, both just astonished in the power of the Holy Ghost. In the power of the Lord. my week was really good. I am honestly growing to love this place more and more every day. I am going to leave you with my study this morning, and a testimony. I hope that you all are continuing to pray, read your scriptures, and go to church. This is how we obtain our blessings. This is how we show our faith, and in return gain the help of our Heavenly Father. This morning I read the conference talk, Lord, I Believe, by Jeffrey R. Holland. It was May 2013 conference I believe. I ask that you all go read it. It was a great talk. He always give great talks. But I like where he talked about that we need to be True to the faith we do have. He talks about the story in Mark 9 14-24. I love what he says about Faith. It is exactly what we all need to hear, always. 

I know that my Savior lives. He died for us so that we could return to live with him. He WANTS us to live with him. He is hoping for us every day to withdraw from the temptations of evil. He walks with us daily, answers our prayers, guides us. He is our Heavenly Father. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and because of his courage, because of his strength and perseverance, the Gospel was restored for the Latter Days. I am so happy to be down here, sharing this message every day. I am so happy to meet the people the Lord has prepared for me. It feels like Im dreaming every day. Something incredible happens daily because I am an instrument in the Lords hand. And I am so grateful for that knowledge.

I love you all, and hope your week continues to be awesome! So grateful for you all, and the blessing of knowing and being with you for eternity. Love you long time!!!

Sister Craig. 

Also-- for all you girls...RECIPE TIME. 

Bolo Batismo (Baptism Cake!)
We make it every time we have a baptism!

And also, this is rough estimates of how much...everything is different down here cups and grams and what nots wise. Plus its all estimation with my comp. 

1 bag of choclate cake mix.
1 egg.
2 tbsp of Margarine, or butter.

Mix that in one bowl.Becomes dough like. 

In another small bowl, can of sweet and condensed milk (i really hope that is what it is...haha..translating is hard) 
1 egg. 
Mix together.

Spread the dough into a pan evenly and then spread the milk and egg mixture over it. 

About a cup of Coconut shreds gets spread on top of that, and about a cup of chocolate chips (Down here we have to break apart a Hershey's chocolate semisweet bar for choc chips...haha) 

Put it in the oven and (hopefully) enjoy...

Don't know what temp...don't know how long... sorry guys...doin the best I can here. My comp doesn't do recipes. She does by the heart cooking..

Fotos - March 5

Julianne baptism! My first baptism!!!

My soccer team! I was team captain because I was the only American...haha.

Suzy Homemaker and Baptisms!!! March 5

Okay first off, So sorry it has taken me till today to write you guys. But this week is Carnaval, which means everyone basically shuts down. Haha. We have to be in by 5 o clock, which means we leave our area at 4 because we are STILL staying in Guara 2. Freakin Baratas. So Monday, our P day we had a zone activity. Which was sooooo fun. I love my zone. One of the elders is really good at cooking, so he made lunch. We played soccer, water balloon fights, games, music, fusbol....just a really good time had by all. But by the time we ended and got back, all the stores had closed. So we couldn't email. 

It is so hard to work during carnaval because everyone is out working during the day, and then when they are home, we have to be in. BUT....Its Miracle March...and so I have stories for you.

Julianna was baptized!!!! YAY!!! She is seriously such an incredible person. We taught her about the commandments 1 hour before her interview, and she said she had a problem with coffee. But that she was going to stop...and guess what...she really did!!! We went back the next day to give her a fake coffee, and she was totally fine. Which was good, cause had she drinkin baptism. But she was baptized!! After sacrament, every member was just coming up and welcoming her. Which was awesome! Because this sunday, she wants to stay all 3 hours...she even told her kind of really rude boss that she wasn't coming in until later. So hallelujah! She is incredible. The relief society president was asking us about her situation and we told her how she had nothing. Food, money...nada. And the pres. just handed us 50 reais (money) and told us to go buy her food. And so we did on Tuesday. And when we did, Julianna was just telling us how happy she was, and everything was turning around for her. We set her up with the employment specialist who is helping her find a better job...with a better boss. And some of the sisters are giving her a huge basket of food that they bought this friday. I seriously just love the people here! They barely even know Julianna, but are soo willing to help her in whatever she needs. They have befriended her so quickly. Which is such a great example to me of Christ Like love. I LOVE IT!!

I don't know if I told you guys about some of our other investigators. But we got a reference named Celia. We went to teach her one day, and ended teaching her, her husband, her father-in-law, and her cousin. And it was awesome! They all committed to praying to know. When we returned we talked about the gospel, and the importance of baptism. And guess what! I all portuguese...and barely even stuttered. And everyone understood!! Miracles happen :) Anyways, another person ended up sitting in on the lesson. And at the end, when we invited them to be baptized...every single one of the said YES!! Mark your calendars because March 23 we are baptizing a family!!! I am so excited! This family is incredible!! They are so genuine and nice and love learning about the gospel. When we asked Celia if she would follow the example of Jesus Christ, she started crying. Because she said a prayer that day that she would hear what she needed to do next in life. Which was awesome, because we weren't planning on going to teach them that day. So it was a blessing to us all. I LOVE THIS WORK. Just even seriously...i love it. 

Brobbey (english speaking ghana african investigator) FINALLY committed to choosing a baptism date. This guy has been through all sorts of missionaries, and he does want to be baptized. But his wife doesn't. And he doesn't know how to go about telling her. But during our lesson of obedience, we asked him if he would pray about a date he would be baptized, and he said yes! I am bummed because we don't get to go teach him tomorrow, due to a zone conference with the pres. week....I am excited to hear how the Lord has blessed and answered his prayers. He is an interesting fellow!

Other than that...its been a lot of contacting...some successful...but some of the people don't live in our area, just only work. So we give out a lot of references to other missionaries. Haha, either way...its good. And I am practicing my Portuguese. 

During the nights we mainly study...but my companion taught me how to make a skirt. YES THATS RIGHT. Little miss never touched needle, sewed a button on Sister Craig....made an entire skirt...all by my self. And it is so cute!!! Haha...well i think so. It was 5 american dollars....soooo im obviously in love. 

Other than that....I'm loving brazil. Tonight and tomorrow we are spending our free time teaching sister craig how to cook pastels with Carne...and this really good pineapple mint juice...send you recipes after. Because it is seriously SO SO SO GOOD!!!!
I love food.
And you guys.
Thanks for the letters!Love, all.

Oh, and ill send pictures of p day....and my skirt...and whatever else i took pictures of this week :)