Wednesday, January 29, 2014

From a Three-Some to a Two-Some...

Oy Familia!! We got a new sister this week, from provo. She got paired up with Sister Forsythe! She is from Georgia, so shout out to my Chickfila homies, she loves her chicken just like us! Hahah...the poor girl is getting her butt kicked. Apparently provo doesn't force the language so much as it does here. So going from barely any portuguese to most of the day in portuguese is difficult. But we are helping her as much as we can. Okay. so let me start you off with this new president. HE ROCKS. Haha, he was actually head of missionary department or something or other. He, among the Prophet and apostles, was the only one to know of the missionary age change before it happened. He is seriously the greatest, most hilarious guy ever! He told us all about how he wrote the proposal for the age change. It started 10 years ago, and was denied 3 times. Denied in the sense that, it just wasn't the right time, kind of thing.I was wondering if maybe Janell would know him?? So that was a really cool experience to hear about!! This week was pretty much the same haha. Class is all day, every day. Portuguese is coming along some days, and then other days it is the most frustrating thing ever! Haha, but I like it none the less, and I'm working. We had an incredible devotional from Elder Holland (it was a DVD from 2011) and he ended it just talking about Peter after Christ left and they went back to fishing. And he focused in on the Do YOU love me?! It really put it in perspective for me. I am here BECAUSE I love him, becuase I am so grateful for what he did. Anyways it was anwesome talk, wish you all could hear it. So the choir here, (every missionary) is fun. This week we sang Joseph Smiths First Prayer and it was incredible! I seriously was just crying, had the chills. Our director this time was amazing. He was an instructor here, we are good friends with him. He is incredibly talented at music. Mom, you would like him. Anyways, it was so good the President made us do it again. Also MOM-- Could you send the lyrics to the EFY medley that we sang in Stake Conference.... my comp wants them. Anyways, i'm starting to really love the instructors here! They are so nice, and friendly and actually kind of hilarious. Haha, Plus they love americans so they come and talk to us all the time. One of our instructors, Irma Alcalde is actually gonna come hang out with us in Sao Paulo today cause it is her Pday too! She said there is a really good bakery around here, so Im definitely excited...and starving. Hahaaha.  This week I was really struck by my study in Jacob. I don't know why I went out of my norm in Alma, but one day I decided to study Chapter 6 of Jacob. It's right after the Olive tree stuff, but seriously like every line and verse in the chapter is incredible, and so touching. I challenge y'all to go read it. Our amazing brazilian roomates left this week. I loved those two girls! They were so helpful! Everynight we would read the Book of Mormon in portuguese out loud and they would help with the pronunciation. Book of Mormon Portuguese is HARD. Hahah, and then one of them wanted help in english so we would help her read in english after that. But they left haha. They are actually serving in this area of Sao Paulo, and we saw one of them today after the Temple!! FUNNY STORY...So this person chooses to remain nameless...but one night we were in the auditorium as a class, and doing a teaching activitiy where we were teaching the person, not a lesson. So anyways we were teaching each other, and our elders are just really funny. You have to know that...we crack up at them all the time. So one of my companions was laughing hysterically at his made up issue for the investigators stuff, and she also had to go the bathroom. Anyways we were all oblivious as to what was happening until she comes up and was like I need to go to the bathroom, and so we went. And she was like guys... i may or may not have peed my pants. and i was like what? Are you serious hahahahahahha. Because really, how often does that ACTUALLY happen. But yes, she did pee her pants, she had to go so bad that it was the point of she couldn't even move, and then add in our hilarious elder....she was done for. We were just cracking up in the bathroom and when we walked out (guarding the sister who had the accident) everybody in the auditorium (becuase by now about 5 other districts had come in) were just staring at us. Seriously so funny!!! Our instructor didn't find it as funny as us though when we had to go to our room and get her a new skirt.....weird...hope you all find that funny. Other than that, our days have been similar. We have 3 investigators, which sometimes is easy...depending on who it is. But we have one investigator who has a lot of issues, (fake ones) and also she doesn't slow down and speak so we understand about 1/2 of what she is saying. Haha. Anyways, I'm sorry this was so short, and so adequate of a letter...slash kind of boring. I loved loved loved your letters so much this week! They were exactly what I needed to put me through another letter. Don't be afraid to add or slash just send some pictures :) I pray for you all daily! And hope you all are doing well! SISTER CRAZY.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014

Okay, I have so many things to tell you guys, that you are all just gonna love!!!

First off, i got you a new spinach shake recipe....but it sounds a little sketchy. And it doesn't use spinach. haha...I got you a new green drink recipe, i guess. Avocado, milk (or almond milk for sweeter taste) and sugar.....I don't know how much of what...but so far like every brazilian tells us how good it is! Hahahha. I was cracking up because I felt like I was at home again.
Second off, This week has been such a roller coaster! Our MTC president got released, and we got new ones! President and Sister Swensen from Salt Lake city. I went up and talked with this guy Mario that works here who is just hilarious and he told them my portuguese was really good so then our new president was like, oh good, you have all today to prepare for tonights devotional. I was Haha, he was kidding but then after he came up to me and was like, you might really wanna prepare, there are 2 devotionals a week. So just pray for me.

Okay, in my last letter I mentioned 2 people. Elder Assis and Elder Calixto..right. Okay so those guys went through the temple for the first time this week!! I guess its really common for brazilians to go through on their mission and they got to go through. I just started crying of happiness for them, and all day while they were gone, my comps and i were like... Can we go see them yet. are they here. hahaha. (again, can't do question marks on here...) anyways, they are such two awesome guys! And have taught me so so much, portuguese wise, gospel wise....everything. And sadly, this week they also left. Bawled, just honestly bawled, I asked them to bear their testimony for us in portuguese, thinking I won't understand it, but that Gift of Tongues works! I understood it and was bawling!!! They are going to be such incredible missionaries!
Um, the food here still i'm basically starving all the time. Except one night they did grilled food-----AMAZING. But they haven't done it again...everything else just kind of blows. haha. Our district basically lives for pday. We go hard when it comes to our only 2 meals outside of the MTC. They have a brazilian restaraunt that is the buffet type, but it is also only like 10 american dollars, so freak.yeah. Also, coke zero is is 20 times better! Sorry to Katie and Mom!! But it is better down here! Also, the fruit is soo good. It is also what I eat with my bread and water every meal. haha.

Elder Bednar gave a devo on our last pday that was incredible. Elder B and his wife just answered missionaries questions, and I was bawling. The spirit is so strong here!!! I seriously cry like every day! Happy tears of course!

Every pday we go to the Sao Paulo Temple, and it is perfect. By pday, we are usually exhausted. We've spent a bazillion hours in classes all day. We are spiritually, physically brain dead. So the temple is the PERFECT reboot for me! And of course I just cry of homesick because it reminds me so much of being home. I am so grateful I decided to attend the temple often before my mission with my Mom. It makes it so special here, thinking, praying about home.

My portuguese instructors are getting better and better, because they are loosening up. ( Side note- My english spelling is getting HORRIBLE. So I am sorry.) Irmao Brito, we call him Burrito, and then Irma Alcade (all-caw-gee) are starting to joke WITH us. It is awesome, and makes us want to speak in portuguese all the flippin time! Haha. In fact, we are getting to know a lot of instructors here, and they are all awesome. Everybody here wants to go to BYU (Idaho or provo) so they love talking to me about it because I have been to college for longer than a semester. Haha. They all think i'm twelve..and are so shocked when I say 20. Haha

Funny Story-- The physical activity intrsuctor, Iramo Sandey, is so funny. So physical activity is like our only time to let loose, and so of course I do. But we were playing volleyball and he came over to me and was are always happy. Course, it was in portuguese and about 200 words a second, so I didn't really understand him for a second, and he ended up calling my sister craiggy. LIke he taught his entire class to call me that (he teaches across the hall from us) and then pretty soon they all started calling me Sister Crazy. So there you go--Meu Nome e Sister Crazy. Haha. Freakin' brazilians.

Anyways, my district is just getting better and better! We are all way different and it has definitely taken a lot of humility and prayers to get used to but seriously in free time we all just crack up! I love being with these guys!!

We got brazilian roommates this week!!! They are awesome! One is thirty and one is 20. They are helping us with the language, and we read out loud in the Book of Mormon everynight and they help us pronounce! So its awesome.
Speaking of portuguese, YES! To anwser all your questions. I am understand and learning portuguese pretty quick! I can understand it better than I can say it, but I can say it for sure! I can pray, testify, and have simple-ish conversations. My testimony of the Gift of Tongues has grown sooo fast.

I was having one frustrating day with it, and it felt like almost everything I was trying to do was just failing at. We got down to dinner and Elder Calixto sat down next to me. He could tell something was up (oh he speaks english really well, so it is such a blessing that he sat next to me haha.) I told him how I was just getting frustrated with the language, nothing was coming to me...blah blah blah. And he asked me a question--He said, are you praying for the gift of tongues. And I was like yes. And he was like when you ask for it, do you mention that you want it to bless others? (FIGURED THE QUESTION MARK OUT!) He kept going and was like God isn't going to give you this gift because of you. He is going to give you this gift so that you can bless others with this gospel. So then he asked me to pray, in Portuguese (and ya, I kinda smirked because ya....) and so we prayed. And he said to just say in english what I didn't know. so when it got for me to ask for the gift of Tongues, I went in english and reasoned it to bless the lives of others. And instantly I felt so much better! I felt calm, I felt better. That night was still rough, but the days after that it just was better and better.

I can feel God's love every day in my life. In frustrating times, in happy times, in sad times filled with goodbyes--I feel him daily. And I cannot be more thankful for that! This place is incredible. I am falling in love with Brazil more and more every day!

Okay, I love you all! I was reading in Mosiah this week, and I want you all to go read it! I don't know why, but the entire book just spoke to me. Missionary work is so crucial!!! I am little peeved right now, because I had this incredible quote from Elder Bednar to share with you guys, but I forgot it in my room. So I guess next week. Hopefully! I love you all! I am praying for you daily!! I miss you tons! Your letters are incredible so keep them coming!!!!


Sister Crazy--Sister Craig.

Helaman 5 Verse 57

January 15, 2014

FAMILY!!!! Okay so this stupid computer doesn't type that fast. I have 20 minutes to write. First off, loved loved loved your letters. Thank you so so much. I was seriously cracking up and my district thinks i'm weird. I have so much to say and its stressing me out!!! This keyboard doesn't let me do anything, like push enter. Okay. My companions name are Sister Forsyth...Springville Virginia. And sister stout...Austin Texas. I LOVE THEM. My district is awesome. Most importantly, the Brazilians. That is who I spend my time with. THey are so so sweet. They care so much. Once you meet and talk for like 5 minutes then they just instantly care and love you so much. And it is so helpful to have that because they translate, and most of them want to know english. Its a fair trade. I cant sit by anyone at any meal and they will be so inviting and helpful. There are a couple people I want to tell you about. 1st, Elder Assis. He is the roommate of the elders in our district. And he is just such a sweetheart. He is really good at english and it is so helpful when he is with us. So one breakfast it was just me and him talking, while everyone else was talking elsewhere. He told me about his conversion story. And I just started bawling. This kid went through so so many trials that I wish I could tell you. But we were both just crying as he told us his story. He has only been a member for 1 year and his testimony of missionary work of is so strong. Im learning so much, and it is such a strength to be his friend. Next is Elder Calixto and Elder Melo, they are so so funny. I just crack up every time I am with them. Funny story, I was trying to say bread in Portuguese, and it is pao. But the pronunciation of it, is so crucial. Anyways it is a bad word they say if you say it wrong. So we looked it up and in one of our dictionaries it says it means cute boys. And we told them that, and so now we just say, how bread you are. The thing with making friends with these great elders is that they are brazilian and flippin leave in 4 days. Make me cry. BRazilian cafeteria food. is awful. All the brazilians even say this isn~t how our food is, it sucks...blah blah blah. But we try it every day regardless, and sometimes its okay. We have porridge everyday for breakfast, i feel like goldilocks. I just eat the bread thats on the side. It is a solid bird diet I have going on here. I sit in a classroom 9 hours of the day, and my but is continually killing me so bad. So i love our gym time every day. Plus gym time is with my favorite people; Ahh, seriously that 30 minutes went fast. Church was great, we have the first 2 hours of church and then we break for lunch and then after lunch is relief that is my kind of church!!!!!! I'm learning portuguese so fast, and my faith in the gift of tongues is growing. I have had my frustrating moments, or days... my instructor was frustrating at first, but it's getting better and better. I can carry a conversation now in Portuguese. We just got new doctors, they are from littleton. THEY USED TO WORK FOR THE DENVER NUGGETS!!!!!!!! I was freaking out. They are so nice too, and love me cause I am from colorado. haha. My companion lived with my old roommates up at BYU Idaho. Totally should have known her.I am loving it. With all the challenge, and frustration, I am loving it.  I am sending out other letters with more details today!! Seriously, just not enough time in the world.I love you all!!! Praying about you constantly!!!! SISTER CRAIG.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Ohhhh my goodness. I don't have much time to write. But I am here!! And I am in LOVE with Brazil.

First off, I called you about 60 billion times in Dallas, and not one of you anwsered. I clearly should have memorized siblings numbers. Maybe they would've picked up....

I miss you!! But here is something nice. My companion is from Springfield, VA...HOLLA AT KT & BRYCE!! Haha. Actually a lot of the gringo missionaries are from herndon, or south riding....soooo. Thats neat. I flew with 3 other elders, and one was from Castle Rock. He is in my district right now. I love my comp, her name is Sister Forsyth. She is a sweetie, so far. Actually my comp was supposed to be that Julie girl that found me on Facebook...but she didn't show up...We lost her apparently... yikes.

Anyways... it's been such a long day. Couldn't sleep on that bazillion hour flight, didn't even land until 12! What? We were supposed to land at like 10. So there's that. We came, and since then it has been information after information since then. Even during dinner, the other missionaries will come up and be like "are you new...(I can't figure out how to do a question mark) and then they will give their 10 million lists of advice. And i'm like...Can I eat in peace. Just kidding, its nice of them.
I love it here. The food tastes good...but looks real I'm iffy to try it. AHhh 3 minutes left.

Goodnews, I will be writing again soon I think, I hope. Anyways. I miss you guys! I love you all. I'm so grateful for these opportunities. I had my class in portuguese today...didn't understand a thing. But i know that I am learning is true. This gospel is true. I know that, and I am so excited to be here to learn even more about that!!!
I love you mommy, and I love you daddy, and everybody else--shout out! I am so rushed it isn't even funny. My instructor is a little pest that keeps yelling in my ear how many minutes i have. Flippin freakin me out. He loves to confuse us. Seriously he laughs, and finds happiness in it. And it works. I feel the pain!!! I'm loving my life here so far. Even though I'm so freakin' exhausted. And to be honest...this might be too much information...WE ALL STINK SO BAD!!!! They just don't even let us shower until tonight. But it's snack next. I feel like a kindygartener. Snack time!! And i'm flippin excited about it!!!

Didn't even have time to read my letter from Kels--so let her know I love her!


Irma Craig.
Bom Noche :)