Sunday, May 11, 2014

Icky Sticky

Hi family! 

Lots to cover this week-- yay! 

I just got back from transfers! Yup, they were today!! And my companion was ripped from my heart! Haha, I'm being dramatic. But my companion was transferred. She is 3 hours away in some weird small town that has 3 families as firm members. And she is training again!!! Congrats to S. Tanaka. My new companion is Sister Rodriguez. She was the companion to Sister Tanaka the transfer before I came. Yes, she returned to the same area. Haha, she had one transfer here, and then left when I arrived. So that's good, she knows the area....and some of the investigators. Haha.

This week the 4 of us missionaries put together a talent show in our ward! It was really fun! Its hard to get our ward to participate, or even show up. But it was a good turn out, and people showed their talents. As sisters, we did that arm routine....where your arms are another person. We acted out, Explaining how to do make up to an american who doesn't speak Portuguese. It was great....the crowed loved it. My face was a wreck after. The bishops daughters, twins, asked me to sing the cup song with them. For those that don't remember, Its that cup song I sang...on Facebook. Yup, same thing. We had a family sing and play guitar. We had the seminary dancing, some ballerinas....had a bunch of different acts. It was great!

This week was also one for miracles! This week my companion and I had goals to only focus on investigators that were going to progress. The hardest thing for our investigators is for them to show their faith. If that means going to church, or telling their spouse they want to be baptized. But this week was proven that showing our faith really can move mountains. 

Remember Julianne? My first baptism who has 2 daughters, works, and still has almost nothing? We found the male version of her. His name is Franco, he has 2 sons. His wife left him because she didn't want anything anymore, and he is working a lot. He is incredible, and his two sons are ADORABLE!!!!! They have these huge dark eyes, but just love everybody. Anyways, he is super sincere with us. When we talk about baptism, we don't even finish the invite and he is saying I am definitely going to pray about this. Because he really wants what is best for these 2 kids. And this week he came to church. He was participating in Gospel Principles...he just shows a real interest. And he wants to be baptized this pray for us!! Hopefully we will have happy news on our Mothers Day Call :)

Also, we have other recent converts. Millena has 10 years (but is incredibly smart, and looks to be 15) and we have Bea, 13 years (smart and looks older too!) They were baptized a year ago, but their parents weren't. The Mom, Domingas, has been coming to church recently. But we haven't been teaching her. Her entire family is LDS, but not her. We stopped teaching her because she didn't want it, wasn't progressing...multiple reasons. But this week during second hour, I got this overwhelming feeling to go to her house and just invite her to be baptized. And I told my companion this, and she looked at me nuts woman? But she said lets go. But the spirit doesn't wait for church to get out, did you guys know that? Haha... after second hour, Domingas just started talking. She asked if she could keep the gospel principles book, asked about relief society...and then all of a sudden she said, " I am going to prepare to become a part of this church. I love this church." And before I know it, my companion and I had set a baptismal date for her. UHHHH WHAT? She just began talking about how her two children are examples for her. And it was was an incredibly whole new Domingas talking to us. And after, in Relief Society, they were asking if a member could help with Julianne. Because she needs a driver this Sunday, and Domingas volunteered. Uhhhhh WHAT? Hahaha. She is incredible! Again, pray for us. Vamos la.

This week we started teaching a family, who is very catholic, but still want the messages....they are really nice people! Always make us food, always asking will be interesting to see what happens. 

Finally, the zone leaders came and installed a new shower for us. I dont know if I said anything about this. But we have 2 showers in our apartment, which is perfect for 4 sisters who only have 40 minutes to get ready...haha. But one of our showers was only ice cold water.... and we waited the ENTIRE transfer for it to be fixed. And Elder Chaves, and Elder Gil fixed it and installed a new one. They about died, because they forgot to turn off the electricity...but hey...they are still living. Thank you Elders. 

This week it got just a TITCH bit chillier (still hot, still sweating everywhere I go) but the change in temp freaked my body out and I am coming down with a cold. BUT, continue working. People need me!! Haha. Freaking body wimps out when the weather changes. 

As for MOTHERS DAY-- I am going to be calling sometime after 5 my time...which is 2 your time.... I know its very vague...but...its the best I can do. Have a skype account ready and signed on, and also your face time, and maybe your gmails. We are going to be calling from Irmao Chequino (that always sends photos), and I don't know what we will be using of theirs. They have a lot of apple products...but still.... have a skype account ready. Sorry its so vague...but...this is what I got.  

And....what else... maybe I am forgetting something.... But this month we are preparing for the Apostle!!! wahooo!!!! I bought a dress for 5 reals. Which is 2.50 cents in america. And it is cute!!! 

Thats my week! I love you all! Can not even wait for Sunday! For many reasons, but talking to y'all is one of them. LOVE YOU!!!!!

Now go read your scriptures!!! And pray!

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