Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 7, 2014


First and foremost, who else is sad that Neymar won't be playing in the World Cup...the teams best player got seriously injured in his back. So pretty much Brasil is going to get a little bit crazier here in the games. And also, I finally realized who the Brazilian goalie looks like. Bryce Long----You look like the Brasil Goalie. 

This week we planned a mini mtc experience for the youth in our ward. Keep in mind we put this together in a week and half, and during this time, we were looking for new apartments and visiting people.

So Saturday. Lets start at the beginning. 

The activity started at 7:30 in the morning. And 25\30 of our youth showed up. So the first 30 minutes they received companions, name tags, districts etc. And at 8 o'clock we started training. We first talked about the name tags and set up some standards\ rules. We talked about how they are carrying the name of Jesus Christ and their family name this day. We showed them a video about the Atonement and Missionary work. It was Elder Holland and Elder Eyring talking to mission presidents that we had. And it was incredible. We did a little training about how to make contacts, and at 10 o´clock, we sent them out with 2 less actives every companionship, and the rest contacts. Every single one of them was SO excited to leave and talk to people in the street. But as we had planned the day, we planned for them to return at noon, for lunch. Thinking they would be a little tired, we gave them 2 hours for lunch and watch Preach My Gospel DVDs. But as they arrived at11:30, all they wanted to do was leave again. A lot of them talked about how they didn't have enough time to make the goals they set. So as they finished lunch, we changed plans and let those who wanted to go out and talk some more until 2 o´clock. At 2 o´clock we gave them 1 hour of personal study. And I thought we were nuts for doing this, but they all returned, walked to the sacrament room, everyone kneeling down in prayer, and after studying their scriptures. I cannot begin to explain the spirit that was in that sacrament room. Afterwards, we called recently returned missionaries to be district leaders. And divided them into districts. Each and every one of our districts leaders was so excited about their "calling", and really truly prepared an awesome doctrine for the youth. Afterwards, we had a zone conference with the Mission President. Who we asked a member from Guara, who is INCREDIBLE, to be their mission president. Guys, I cannot explain the spirit of this day, and how during and after, every corner we turned was filled with a miracle. For example, at noon, when not one Irma who committed to making a portion of lunch had arrived, but then at 12:10 one showed up with enough Stroganoff for 40 people. How excited the youth was to do whatever challenge, whatever thing we gave them. How we had 2 investigators there participating. One who said that he wants nothing more than to be baptized to be a member. And to another, who every time I looked at him was on his knees fervently praying to our Father in Heaven to know the truth. And after wards sat me and Sister Blair down to tell us that this is something he wants to know, and how this day changed his life. I don't know if this even describes half of the miracles that happened this day. But I know that just to start, the leaders and bishop were impressed that 25 youth arrived at 730 in the morning and stayed, happily until 6 at night. Or just the fact that 25 youth showed up. Sunday after, each and every youth stood up and filled testimony meeting with experiences they had. Each and every teen that stood up at the pulpit filled their time with a testimony of missionary work, with excitement to serve, and some announcing that they officially want to serve. Two investigators bore their testimony. This activity was EVERYTHING this ward needed. Because now

Okay..... what else happened. So there is this family in the ward, who is HILARIOUS. They have two sons, a daughter, and the daughter is about 23 and has a little girl. But isn't married. And I love visiting them. The first time I was there it was because they had a ton of hot dogs they wanted us to eat. And we were sitting there, and the little girl, Sophia, started to cry for some reason. And everyone in the family just starts to yell and say "Cry louder, I can't hear you. CRY LOUDER, that will help". Totally joking around with this little girl. Anyways, I about died laughing. 

This week, we visited an investigator, Lena. We have only visited her one time, and decided to visit her. And yesterday she said she had been praying for us to visit, because she knew the Book of Mormon was true. In her words, "It just makes sense. Everything makes sense."

This week family, I can testify that God will give you miracles when you show him your desires. When you put in all your efforts, I know that God makes and shows miracles. I am living the dream down here in Gama.

Love you all, and miss you!!!

Sister Craig!

The last time I will see Elder Gil. He is going home to Argentina a week earlier than the rest because of his College.... So sorry, I was a wreck. Favorite Zone Leader ever!!!

Elder Moroni. He is too legit to quit. 

A family that made me feel at home with all the Red White and Blue. This week was brought to you by red, white and blue. 

Watching the game at Bishops house. Bishop and his kids...the littlest one isn't....but He was also wearing red white and blue, because it was the 4th when Brasil played!!!

Naiyra.... shes hilarious. Supported America as well...

 This tender picture of an Irma who saw her son with the name tag and started to cry. Everybody was crying in this moment. Just not fair!

 ​Mini MTC. My little missionaries, with their mission president!!!

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