Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Brasil. Brasil. Brasil. - June 9, 2014

This week was a riot. Everybody is preparing and getting hyped for the world cup. Sometimes I am scared, I am just this little white girl. Hahaha, but it is going to be wicked. 

Our mission received permission to watch the World Cup in members houses, and we have to stay in the house 2 hours after, and then the member has to take us home by car. We cannot walk the streets. The sisters that are actually in the area of the stadium, can't leave at all. Haha...sucks. But I am actually SUPER excited. This month of the cup we can't wear ANYTHING that resembles
Brasil, or any country. So...I am just going to wear pink. What country has the color pink??? 

This week was good. Every Sunday we leave with the bishops twin daughters. Yesterday, everything fell through, and we all wanted to teach. And so I said lets go to Quadra 4. And so we went. We didn't know if we should go to the external or internal Quadra 4. So we prayed, and the spirit whispered, external. So I told them we need to go there. We didn't have any luck at first. Nobody was wanting to hear us. Finally I said to my "companion" (Jessica) "Lets go knock on that really sweet looking house that is blue". We clapped our little hands and out walks this little old lady with the cutest little baby. She walks out and before we even said anything she said (translated) "Oh my loves, please come in!!!!" And in my mind, I am thinking....she has already talked to missionaries. Lets find out the story. So quickly, I called over my comp and the other twin, and we entered. She thought we were another church, but she likes to hear the Words of God. So we talked a little bit. Afterwards, I just walked. And I was thinking, wow. The spirit really does answer us EVERY TIME we pray. The spirit really is with us when we are doing the Lord's work. 

This week was a bit of drama with our apartment complex. So we ended up spending two days working with them and our freakin' sink. Water was splashing out of our kitchen sink, and in our neighbors. And it turned into this HUGE fiasco, and our apartment manager does not enjoy that we live there, or anyone for that matter. So it was this great big dramatic show. And the entire time I was sitting there, "Why didn't I ever pay attention to my dad when he was fixing these things??? I could have learned so much, and avoided this entire situation!!!" One of those moments that I missed my dad. Hahaha.

This week we are preparing for the World Cup, and for a Baptism!! Wahoo. Franco. I have talked about him before, I think. Anyways, he is really truly progressing, and really truly is ready for this covenant he is about to make with the Lord. I am truly excited for him. Cannot wait! 

This week is also my last week in Guara 1. I have 3 transfers here, and I don't want to leave. It is PERFECT! But, I will be leaving. On my birthday, happy birthday to me. Yikes. I am nervous for a new area. But I am excited for the new adventures that await. This transfer we have 6 Sisters arriving. And in the middle, a new President. Ahhh!!!! I am so excited to meet them. So sad to see Pres. and Sister Gaertner leave! And then after they arrive, 20 more Sisters arrive. Which means EVERY Sister will be training....haha yikes. 

This week I read the story about how Jesus Christ blesses the little children. This week we were sitting in the hammocks at Antonios house, conversing with Antonio and Erasmo. And Erasmo announced that they are moving... (No, that is my nightmare.) But after he announced it is because they are having a BABY!!!!! So the next lesson we give, I decided I wanted it to be about Jesus blessing the Children. I was really struck in 3 Nephi 17: 24 that talks about the angels of God surrounding the children. It was a comfort here. In the midst of all this world cup, in all this new culture, new country, everything. I have angels here. Surrounding me, and I really truly can feel their presence in my life. Another verse that I liked was Mark 10....verse 14, I think. That talks about the Children are the Kingdom of God. It has become certain for me that the little children are God's precious creations. When we have a child, it really is a gift from God. And I love that thought. 
 I am SO SO SO excited for Erasmo and Celia. And Antonio is going to be a Grandpa!!!! Ahhh. 

As with all of our investigators....they are moving. No seriously, every single one of them is moving to another area. I don't even believe it. My companion arrived to the point where we didn't want to visit any of our investigators because they would announce that they are moving. 

And that about wraps up my week. Today we went to visit all the cool places of Brasilia. Which includes the World Cup stadium!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stood where the World Cup will take place!!!


LOVE you all. Praying for you too. Be safe. Choose the Right. Read your scriptures. 

Elder Fonseca with the tie I made him!!!! Go brazil.

Here is a picture of my Zone. Zona Brasilia.

We are all excited for the world cup.

 This is my brother. Elder Schinigoski. He is too legit to quit.

My companion has 10 months, and i have 5...get it????

Chickfila cow!!!!

The first is of a couple of us. The 2nd two is the entire zone. Yahhhhh. Zona Brasilia!!!! 

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