Yes, Brasil is in a slump. We lost 7-1 to Germany....embarrassing. Completely embarrassing...they scored 5 goals in 6 minutes. We were just lucky to have scored one. And then let us continue the embarrassment and we lose again to Holland? (I don't know how to translate that Holland a country? I will study that this week.) But we lost to them 3-0 to put us in 4th place. But the good news is, Argentina didn't win the world cup. Yesterday was just as crazy as a Brazilian game, only everyone was rooting for Germany. Sorry Jeff, Argentina just isn't liked that much down here. In the first game, President allowed us to watch it, so that after the first half, he called all the Zone Leaders and had us go home mid way through the game. Good thing, because the streets were already horrible...haha. Good thing we had a driver...
This week us Sisters got transferred. So here is basically what happened. A lot more stuff happened with our neighbors, and the husband returned... Just basically a bunch of unsafe drama happened. And 10 minutes before the game on Tuesday the Executive Secretary (Elder Labrada) called us and said that Wednesday we would be switching apartments with the Elders in Gama Leste (our Zone Leaders and one more group of Elders). So that night we packed up our stuff after the game (who knew I had so much crap...) and switch apartments. But, we still would be working in our areas. So now its just a hassle for everyone. But that's not all. The elders have 2 apartments that we now live in. We arrived, after they had so kindly helped us with all our luggage and stuff, and walked in both apartments and screamed. Mom, you for sure would have passed right out. These apartments were DISGUSTING. FILTHY. One of them had LARVA on the ground... LARVA!!! We had to cover him in Alcohol gel and burn him for them to die. One of them the oven was COVERED in food. Walls covered in grease that had flown from every place. Dirty dishes everywhere, including inside the fridge. At one point in time, Sister Blair pulled out the fridge to clean under it, and there was an EGG WITH IT'S SHELL. Granted the actual egg part was gray...almost black. It was horrible. I wanted to cry in that dirty disgusting moment. Because we all realized that we would be staying inside and cleaning in this day. So that is what we did. We spent one day just cleaning ONE apartment.
We went to the store and bought every cleaning supplies known to man kind, gloves...bleach...the entire line of Mr. Clean and more. I can't believe I cleaned that. So yes, mom, you can stop laughing. All those times of clean your room, and I didn't...finally paid off. And yes, ladies and gentleman, we decided that marrying an Elder would not be an option if they live like this. Not an option. And you all know me. Every Elder that called us that night got a nice talking to about going and cleaning their apartment that day.
Okay, this week was also Zone meetings and....First Interviews with the new President!!!!! Thursday (after taking about 4 showers, in hopes of killing all cleaning germs and smells) we walked our miles upon miles to the chapel to have our Zone Meeting. This zone meeting was incredible. This zone meeting, we talked a lot about our ability to give blessings in houses that we visit. And how every time we visit a member, a less-active, or even an investigator, if we ask them specifically what they are in need of, or if there is somebody that we can pray for in that exact moment, that we are Representatives of Jesus Christ can bless their houses. And that is what we have done this week. And every single time we ask, and kneel down in humble prayer, I have felt the blessing and the spirit enter into that house. The scripture focus was D&C 75:19. Another scripture that they read was D&C 138: 53. The things I liked most about this scripture was that everybody is named and included in this scripture. "Other choice spirits". I was a choice spirit, persevered to preach His Gospel in these Latter-Days. I wasn't sent here to fill some sort of space, some sort of number. I was chosen and preserved, as a choice spirit, to work in these Latter-Days. And we all were.
It was an awesome Training that President Lundgren gave. I like how the new President is starting things off. His goals are more long term. Whatever we can do to help them stay strong in the church.
After the zone meeting, all of us ran to have the quickest lunch, and then back to start our Interviews. Which lasted fro 2-7:30 at night. The interviews were really good. President is really funny. He said to me, "Sister, I have a calling for you. It is very special." Here I am getting all sorts of nervous. " You still have just less than a year left on the mission. And so your new calling is going to be to enter in every single house of Elders and clean it."..... I stopped getting nervous. Haha. President, he is a joker... He never did say he was kidding. And now that I think...he hardly even laughed.
One quick miracle for yall, cause this letter is as long as something that is really long...
Friday I was on a division, and I was in Aza Norte. We had been trying all week to visit Lena, but she wasn't in her house. So Sister Damaceno, who stayed, planned to visit her on Friday. Ended up at the end of the week, we still hadn't found her. Until Sunday morning, at 8:06 in the morning, she called us, asking if we were going to church... (obviously....) and she said... "Are you going to church? Because, I want to go today, and I miss you guys. So I am on my way. Will I find you guys there?) It about took the entire 30 minute walk for me to pick up my jaw. And church was awesome! They talked about every single thing SHE needed to hear. Baptism, Marriage (yes, we will be throwing a wedding here pretty quick.) the sabbath day.... and Lena loved every moment of it. She loved relief society... (weird, right mom? :)) She loved ALL of it. And after church she said, "Okay, now when are you guys going to visit me. Because I marked a family night with Irma Rosa you guys want to come?" Haha.... In my head I am like " I have become an after thought....." It was incredible.
I love my ward. I love my area. I love my apartments, now that they are spit licking clean. I love serving a mission. I love it. I just absolutely love it.
I love you guys. Praying for you all daily...
Sister Craig
watch this video!!!
At 3:05 is a member in Guara!!!! And at 3:08 is my incredible bishop here in Gama!!!!!! Plus it is a really cool video.
And my old mission president...but he is harder to pick out.
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