Tuesday, April 21, 2015

......At least its Monday. - February 16, 2015

Well family, as everything is okay. I am sad to say....that the Baptism of Matheus....did not happen. Its the worlds longest story....and not really interesting. But, as always, the work continues on. And this week is Raylan! We are super excited for him, and his eager eager decision to move his date to this coming Sunday, instead of next Sunday. He just "couldn't wait any longer".

Raylan is 12 years old, and has been visiting the church for quite some time. His mom visits with him sometimes, but every week, without doubt, he is there with his Book of Mormon. I thought he was a member, until 2 weeks ago. And I started reading his sheet that talks about him....he was never even invited to be baptized! I almost cried. We invited him to be baptized, and he accepted. And the following Sunday, in church, (yesterday) asked us to show him the font, and wanted to know EVERYTHING to there was to know about his baptism. And then he asked if it could be earlier...and we accepted....he has already had all the lessons, loves church, has a testimony. And I just started crying. I pictured Joseph Smith, interested in knowing the truth. And the excitement he must have had when he received his answer. We are super excited for him, and the family that introduced him to the church is also excited!
Also, this week....we started teaching this little old lady, Isablie. She is going to get baptized the 28th. We arrived at her house to give her a ride Sunday morning, and out walkes her, her 2 grandsons....and I am like....there isn't room in the car...what are we going to do.....and still have 1 more to pick up. It all worked out...and her grandson, Rafael LOVED the church. This week is a youth camping trip, and he signed up to go, and is there.....met everyone yesterday. But he was begging his grandma to return to church. And the leaders who were with him said he was participating in the class, and loved it. We got super happy with all of this.
Its amazing, how happy the people get when they enter in to the Lord's house. I am so grateful that every week, I have the opportunity to take time out of life....and, honestly relax. Church just gives me so much peace, I finally feel comfortable 100%.

JUNE 19TH, 2015 I will be boarding the airplane here in Brasilia. And Saturday, June 20th, 2015...I will be arriving in Denver International Airport. 
Our mission does it different, we leave the Friday before transfers.JUNE 20TH I WILL BE ARRIVING (AKA LANDING IN D.I.A)!!!

All are invited to be present in the airport, and at my homecoming talk that is TBD. 
Love you all. But you all now can stop asking when is my official date to come home. This girl is getting trunky.

96 days. 

But who is counting?!

Love you all. Praying for ya daily. BEIJOOOOOS.

Sister Craig

Sister Miranda, Me, Elder G. Santos.

Simario, an investigator who found us taking a little swing..... 

Last Monday, we ate the worlds healthiest lunch. Cheese bread and a milkshake. Nobody would ever believe me if I said my dad was a nutritionist. Hahaha.

My companion and I on Tuesday, at our Zone conference with President.

Sister Miranda, Sister Craig, Sister Soares, Sister Hill. I live with these goons. 

Just to show you missionary life isn't always a glam scene. 

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