Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Matheus Franco - February 9, 2015

Okay, so today we have interviews with President, and we just had a training with the Sisters....and tomorrow is a Zone Conference with Assitants, so....today is going to be fast, yet again. Sorry, but this week...I have the worlds coolest story.

LAST Sunday night, my companion and I were making goals for the week, and we started to joke around about how baptisms we would have, this week, we didn't have any marked. But....all of sudden we got serious, and decided to have a baptism. We didn't know who, or how...or what to do....but we wanted to help someone be baptized. So we put it as our goal. Then after we started planning for our Monday night after Pday. We looked through our Area book, and found a bunch of ex-investigators that had already been to church a bunch, had received a good portion of the lessons...and planned to visit them. We had planned from the top of Palmas, until the bottom. Full of plans, with alternatives after alternatives. After pday ended, we were on the road and out the door. Ready to go. We visited the first, determined and ready to find the star of our week, the child of God that would be baptized on Sunday. The first one, was a 14 year old who has been meeting with sisters for quite some time, and visiting the church for 3 months.....but when we arrived there, he was leaving and not able to sit down. And when we were leaving, a member who lives across the street, started calling us and asking us to come in. And I just heard myself accepting to go visit this member. And as we were walking, I was just thinking...wait.... I need to work! If someone is going to be baptized, we have to find them TODAY! And then I enterned in the house, and I sat down. Thinking, " WHY DID I SIT DOWN!! GO TO WORK SISTER!!!" And then, out of no where. And investigator who we had been trying to teach walked into this house. (The investigator and member are good friends). And I just got sad, because he promised he would go to church, and he didn't....but we decided to give him a lesson and take advantage of him being there. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in the end, invited him to be baptized for Feb. 22. He accepted. Then the member started joking, ahh, he could be baptized tomorrow. He is a member without the water. 

Okay, his name is Matheus. Other sisters had been trying to teach him, but he is super busy and hard to find in his house. Oh better, he WAS super hard to find. What ended up happening is they started to joke around with Matheus, and I don't know why, asked him how many times he had been to church. He said, 4/5 times.... And it hit me and my companion. HE IS YOUR ANWSER. INVITE HIM TO BE BAPTIZED, SUNDAY!!!! So we did, and he accepted. 

This entire week, we were just running from place to place teaching him all of the lessons, hearing of his cool responses. So you all are probably wondering if he was baptized, right? Well, saturday, we marked his interview with Elder, and he PASSED! He was excited...and everything was going good...when he said, Sister.... I want my parents to be there. So we naturally responded, INVITE THEM. Please, the more the merrier. And with a serious face, "Sister, can I be baptized on a Saturday? This upcoming Saturday? Because my parents, out of nowhere, traveled, and aren't here until Tuesday. But I want them there." Obviously we were a little sad...we prayed, fasted, worked, to have him baptized on this Sunday. But in the moment, I heard the spirit whisper, "Eternal Families". Remembering, that families are one of the central points in this gospel. And who am I to not respect that this 19 year old is wanting his parents see him take the best step of his life. We agreed.  Saturday at 6 o'clock, will be his baptism. 

I am SO grateful, for the reminder of how important family is. Being away from home for 1 year and 1 month, you can't just help but forget that families are forever, and important here on the earth. And Matheus helped me put value where I needed to put more. I know, that families are forever, and that when we do things as a family, we grow as one. And we will have Celestial Glory as one. I am so grateful for this. 
This week, everyone pray for Matheus. I didn't even tell you half the work that came with him. He is one ordinary boy. The Lord has a lot in store for him. 

I love you all! Yesterday was my 1 year and 1 month. CAN  YOU BELIEVE IT? Even President is getting trunky. In my email today said that my time is short. WHAAAA? Thats a lie! 4 months is a long time. I can do lots of stuff!! Haha.


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