Saturday, January 24, 2015

One year older and wiser too! -January 5, 2015

FAMILY!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe its 2015!!!!! I am just about dying!!!!!!!! Seriously.....This is the weirdest thing. I remember exactly what I was doing a year ago! What? No...... 

Okay, so today I am writing a little bit later because we had a zone activity. You know how Texas is known for their bbq? Well here its Rio Grande do Sul. And he did this HUGE churrasco (bbq) with 17 kilos of Meat! Thats like...37 pounds of meat. For 30 missionaries, President and his Wife, and some members in our ward. It was awesome! We played brasilian cricket (Its called taco...and no its not a food contest), we had a water balloon fight. Its a tradition that we need. Because it is BLISTERING HOTT here. And yes, Aunt Gay....I am....burned to the crisp! The FIRST time in a year, I finally got burned. haha. I am red as a tomato. But it was fun. I love zone activities. They are great.

This week..... CONSTANCIO. As I said last week, we planned a lesson about the Plan of Salvation SUPER AWESOME. We sat and we planned, and planned. Scriptures, topics....words....everything. And we get there, and we gave our lesson. And the Lord blessed us. But I thought the part most spiritual would be when we talked about Resurrecting with a perfect body...I was wrong. It was when we talked about the 3 Kingdoms, and he sat there thinking which one he wanted, and what HE needed to do. I just go so happy, and did as they say. When we were at the high point, had him thinking and had him going, we picked up...said a prayer and left him with that spirit. Or maybe we took it with us for him to notice ;) 
IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! He even said he was feeling the peace from the Holy Spirit. The thing with constancio, is not a matter of knowledge. Yes, there are somethings he still needs to know and all of this. But he is that type of investigator that already lives the standards, is already a member, just doesn't know it. The thing with Constancio is his TRUST, if its trust in himself, or a little more with God, he lacks a little bit. He has had a lot of life threatening accidents in his life. But he still believes that God exists. Today in our zone activity, he was rollin' on by, and I saw him and brought him in. It was awesome, he talked to a bunch of missionaries, who were able to lift his spirits a lot. Elders are crazy, no? haha. But it was really good for him. But after we talked a little with him, and he said. "Sister, Today I was looking and trying to feel that spirit, that happiness that I felt the other night, and I wasn't able. I read a book, I tried to receive that feeling....and God didn't give it to me. Where is my answer?" And I just looked at him, and explained how that feeling comes from God when we are maybe, reading his scriptures, praying, going to church. Or we can have that feeling all the time, as a gift. After the baptism. And I explained the GIFT of the Holy Ghost....and he just loooked at me like.....Well then. IT WAS AWESOME. Still have some other logistics, but with a lot of faith and prayer, he will be baptized Sunday....or maybe Next. But I got faith...... 

This week we also found a family! Pedro and Gamiles, and there two little kiddos. They are a family soooo cute! And they were looking for a religion that is true, that they could believe in, that follows the bible correctly. And....It was awesome. 

New year, of the worst new years of my life. Because I was STUCK in my apartment, when I wanted to be celebrating with Fireworks and loud noises. But thats okay....we took a lot of pictures and peaced out sleeping at12:05. Special, right? Haha #missionarylife

This year, the only goal I made, was to be more like Christ (which includes being skinny! haha just kidding). There are so many things that I can do to be more like him, that it'll keep me busy for the next couple of years. But lets start now. I want to be more loving like him. I want to serve like him. Have more faith IN him. It looks like a simple goal, but....It is what this world needs. I am so grateful for my example and Savior, Jesus Christ. I love him, and am so grateful for things he has taught me, and done for me. This new year, I am going to start off on a mission, and then the second half.... will be an opportunity to find out how to be like him, without a nametag. haha. I don't wanna leave Brasil.

Can't believe its already been a year. 
Love you all, and praying for you daily! 

Sister Craig :)

PS....i forgot my chord for pictures. I am sorry. It has been a while since I have sent pictures..... I have lots to send. 

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