Saturday, January 10, 2015

September 22, 2014

FAMILY!!! Hi!!! I just miss you all so much, and you guys can`t believe my half way mark is coming around! Or the fact that our beloved Rachel Condie has finished the mission too! Gall, where has the time gone.... 

Okay, just a really quick funny story that is happening right now. We are in a place that has computers, and one of the guys is singing at the tops of his lungs. And it is hilarious, because everybody is dying laughing...and he still hasn`t realized it.  

Okay, so this week.....was legit! Thursday most importantly. Elder Mazagard of the 70 visited and talked to us. Before I say anything....let me remind all of you that little Sister Craig, who LOVES dying...melting in this heat we call Brasil. So Thursday, we arrived super early...because if we were going to be late....President said we might as well not arrive. So we arrived EARLY! Haha, but as the whole thing started, we sang the first hymn, said a prayer...anddddd Brasilia runs out of energy. Thats right, no lights, no microphones, no AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!! I think it was for at least 4 hours. Every one was dying...including the Elders in their suit jackets. Hahaha. But outside of this. Elder Mazagard did an AWESOME job. He actually talked about a LOT of things, many different subjects. I think one thing I liked a lot that he said was about Eternity. He asked "How long is eternity?"  And everyone starts responding...forever! A really long time! But he wanted something more than that. And after he told his story of a bird. If a bird once every 1000 years picks ONE GRAIN OF SAND...and he does this with EVERY grain of sand on the earth...THAT moment is when eternity STARTS! And that is our work here! We are helping people find their ETERNITY. Which kind of really put it in perspective. I just sat there like.... I only have 9 months to help a ton of people. No but really, it did nothing but motivate me find and do my best. He talked about a lot of really good things... I could be here all day. 

EVALDO: I don`t even remember what I told you last week. Because it feels like YESTERDAY. But...he is good. He stopped drinking coffee, and officially stopped with smoking. He is progressing super well, and I really believe that with just a bit more time without these things...he will get baptized! Pray for him! And me! 

Today was a Zone Activity. It was fun, as always. And as always we just played a bunch of games. Soccer...Volleyball... Uno... Monopoly. 

This week I am specially grateful for Ice cream. It is getting hotter and hotter by the minute. And ice cream is saving my tushie! But more importantly, I am grateful to know that the Lord`s work is hastening. And that I am part of His work. I am blessed to have been called to serve down here in Brasil. Where the sun  is hot, but the people are sweeter. Every time I hear of somebody finishing the mission, or at the end of transfers, I cringe a little bit. Because it is going so fast! I don`t want to leave Brasil!!! 

LOVE YOU GUYS!! Te amo!!

Sister Craig
Going to see Elder Mazagard!

We woke up 3:30...we had to drink a coke to stay awake! Just on the buses!

Sister Souza!!!

Going to see Elder Mazagard!
 Straight  Sister and Elder thuggin'.

The house we ate lunch at had a ton of ducks and chickens...and one Turkey. Merry Christmas y'all. Ohh wait...Americans would be Happy Thanksgiving!

Irmao just making all their food. Stale Bread and water to make it soggy.... 

Mixin' and a stirrin'
We all laugh a lot. 

Zona Alvorada!!!!! Its a great place to be. 

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